what, when and how to practice and protect my eyes ЁЯСА ?

When and How to protect my ЁЯСА Eyes?

Let maximum people take benefit of this useful information protect their precious eyes ЁЯСА 

Mobiles, Laptops, and computers have become an unavoidable part of our lives. Somewhere these devices have harmed us more than being beneficial. No doubt, it has made our lives easy.

Along with that, it's important to take care of your eyes for clear and sharp vision.

ЁЯСЗThese are a few best tips to protect your eyes:

1️⃣ Use Eye Comfort (Mobile) and F.lux (Laptop) after sunset

Blue light damages our eyesight, it is also considered that promote sleeping disorders, such as insomnia. F.lux puts on yellow light on screens to prevent damage from blue light. It comforts our eyes.

2️⃣ Avoid using Screens in Dark Room

Keeping lights off at night while watching TV, laptop or mobile, puts a lot of strain on eyes. Keep room lights on while screen is on. During day too, avoid working in dark rooms.

3️⃣ Follow20-20-20 Rule

After every 20 minutes spent gazing at screen; you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds.

4️⃣ Have Green Leafy Veggies

Green vegetables are rich in Vitamins A, C and E. These plant-based forms lower your risk of long-term eye diseases. It promotes sharp eyesight and the health of the retina.

Start applying these tips today and protect your eyesЁЯШК.


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