
Showing posts from February, 2021

I am 28 to 29 soon..

 I am 28 soon to be 29. I am single. I live alone in my 1BHK apartment. I own a smart cycle. I have completed my masters. I have a peaceful job. I have a healthy life-work balance. I have a couple of Real friends. I am “why coming so late” or “whom you are talking to” or “who you are going out with” free. I am pretty much healthy and in shape (at least I feel that and practice Yoga). I am not much of a party person so no wastage of money on weekend clubbing. I travel at least once a month (2020 was an exception). If going to far-off places is not possible then I explore in and around my city, as there are many beautiful weekend gateways around my city and near 150km. I can cook almost all the north and south Indian dishes (though I don’t like cooking much). So, in reality, nothing sucks at my age. Even though there were many ups and downs in the process, I wouldn’t change a thing! Regards, Prabhanjan Sahu

21 times Om Chanting helped you before your meditation | PrabhanjanYoga

 21 times Om Chanting helped you before your meditation: Why we chant Om / Aum do? OM is the verbal personification of the all pervading Lord Supreme. By chanting OM you remind yourself of your all-pervading True Self. The Vedas say, “Tattwam Asi”, i.e. THAT (Supreme Lord) you are! “Aham Brahmasmi”, one you know the fact of your being the All Pervading Self, you say I am the Brahman or the Supreme Self. As confirmed and emphasized time and again in the Gita by Lord Shri Krishna Himself in Slokas (couplets) such as, “Ishwaro Sarva Bhootanam Hridayeshe Arjuna Tishthati”, “Aham Vaishwanaro Bhutwa Praninam Deham Ashritah” etc. the Lord Himself resides in each and every life form without fail. Everyone has got the highest task of realizing one’s True Self and be accomplished and fulfilled to the limit. Then you will experience the Sachchidananda (Sat i.e. Indestructible Truth+Chit i.e. the omnipresent and omniscient Consciousness+Ananda i.e. Supreme Bliss) as your very own all satiated Bein

Inspirational Morning Sea Beach | Peaceful Healing & Love | PrabhanjanYoga
