Health Benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama | Immunity Boster Pranayama

Immunity Booster Pranayam_Anulom Vilom | Nadi Shodhana |Alternate Nostril Breathing |Prabhanjan_Yoga

Steps to do Anulom Vilom or ‘The Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique’:

  • Sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana position.
  • Close your eyes; focus on your breathing and look within.
  • Keep your thumb to close one of your nostrils and start with your deep-breathing exercises.
  • Hold your breath, and place the same finger to close the other nostril.
  • Start doing alternative patterns to oxygenate both the sides of your brain.
  • Continue doing it for 10-15 minutes, and increase your timing gradually.


  1. Balance your mind “Breathing is a protein-diet for your brain”.
  2. Weight-loss and obesity-control
  3. Curb stress, anxiety, and depression
  4. External beauty
  5. Internal beauty
  6. Regulating three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
  7. Clears the Digestive system
  8. Helps to treat arthritis problems.
  9. Reduces Chronic Sinus problems and Snoring.
  10. Open blockages with better blood circulation.


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